Dr Tina Kao


Research School of Economics

Senior Lecturer
Phone number
+61 2 612 57112
Room 2015, HW Arndt Bld (25A)
Research areas

Industrial organisation; Applied microeconomic theory.


Tina Kao is a Lecturer of Economics.  Her researches interests are centred in technology licensing, competition policy, and regulation. With respect to technology licensing, Tina studies the optimal licensing scheme for cumulative patents as well as the design and strategic use of intellectual property rights. In terms of competition policy, Tina analyses mergers involving product differentiation and multi-market contact. Finally, in regulation, Tina investigates how the optimal access price should be set contingent on the degree of competitiveness in the downstream market. Tina is also interested in firms’ incentives to offer niche products (as opposed to general purpose products), health and political economy. Her research has been published in international refereed journals including Journal of Economic Behavior & OrganizationJournal of Regulatory EconomicsJournal of Mathematical Economics, and Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics.

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Research publications

Kam, T, T. Kao, and Y. Lu. (2020) Political Dynamics, Public Goods and Private Spillovers. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 177, September, pp 237-254.

Kao, T, R. Aoki, and J. Hillas (2018), Niche Product Offering in the Spokes Model. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 174 (2), pp 375 - 398. 

Kao, T., F. M. Menezes, and J. Quiggin (2014), Optimal Access Regulation with Downstream Competition. Journal of Regulatory Economics, 45, pp 45 - 93. 

Aoki, R. and Kao, T. (2012), Protection of Basic Research and R&D Incentives in an International Setting. The Economic Review, 63 (4): 333 - 345.

Kao, T. and F. Menezes (2010), Welfare Enhancing Mergers under Product Differentiation. The Manchester School, 78 (4): 290--301.

Kao, T. and F. Menezes (2009), Endogenous Merger under Multi-Market Competition. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 45 (12), pp. 817 - 829.

Kao, T. (2009). Strategic Licensing and Sequential Innovations. The Manchester School, 77 (4), pp. 512 - 551.

Research grants and awards

Visiting Fellowship, Hitotsubashi University, Oct 01 to Dec 31st, 2014.

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Invitational Program for Advanced Japanese Research Institutes, Hitotsubashi University, 2010 March to June.


Current Teaching:

Econ8025 Advanced Microeconomic Analysis

Econ3057/4438/8038 Industrial Organisation 

Other Teaching:

Econ7073 Microeconomic Analysis (Masters course)

Econ2014/6014 Managerial Economics

ECON8069 Business Economics

ECON1101S2 Microeconomics 1

ECON3107, ECON3057, ECON8030 Industrial Organisation

Econ 3055, 3155, 8055, Competition Policy and the Economics of Regulation (New course developed in 2010)

ECON7064 Microeconomics

ECON7061 Competition Policy

ECON7063 Industrial Organisation

ECON7068 Market Structure and Competition Policy