Holliday, Scott, Jacob LaRiviere, David Novgorodsky, and Michael K. Price, “Prices versus Nudges: What Matters for Search versus Purchase of Energy Investments,” Journal of Public Economics, 172(2019): pp. 151-173.
Brandon, Alec, John A. List, Robert D. Metcalfe, Michael K. Price, and Florian Rundhammer, “Testing for Crowd Out in Social Nudges: Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment in the Market for Electricity,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(2019): pp. 5293-5298.
Neilson, William, Michael K. Price, and Bruno Wichmann, “Added Surplus and Lost Bargaining Power in Long-term Contracting,” Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 76(2018): pp. 7-22.
Lange, Andreas, Michael K. Price, and Rudy Santore, “Signaling Quality through Gifts: Implications for the Charitable Sector,” European Economic Review, 96(2017): pp. 48-61,
Alevy, Jonathan E. and Michael K. Price, “Advice in the Marketplace: A Laboratory Experiment,” Experimental Economics, 20(2017): pp. 156-180.
Pellerano, Jose, Michael K. Price, Steven L. Puller, and Gonzalo E. Sanchez, “Do Intrinsic Incentives Undermine Social Norms? Evidence from a Field Experiment in Energy Conservation,” Environmental and Resource Economics, 67(2017): pp. 413-428.
Jacobsen, Mark, Jacob LaRiviere, and Michael K. Price, “Public Good Provision in the Presence of Heterogeneous Green Preferences,” Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 4(2017): pp. 243-280.
List, John A., William S. Neilson and Michael K. Price, “The Effects of Group Membership in a Strategic Setting: Evidence from the Field,” European Economic Review, 90(2016): pp. 67-85.
List, John A. and Michael K. Price, “Using Field Experiments in Environmental and Resource Economics,” Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 10(2016): pp. 206-225.
Holladay, J. Scott, Michael K. Price, and Marianne Wanamaker, “The Perverse Impacts of Calling for Energy Conservation,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 110(2015): pp. 1-18.
Price, Michael K., “Using Field Experiments to Address Environmental Externalities and Resource Scarcity: Major Lessons Learned and New Directions for Future Research,” Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 30(2014): pp. 621-638.
Bernedo, Maria, Paul J. Ferraro, and Michael K. Price, “The Persistent Impacts of Norm-Based Messaging and Their Implications for Water Conservation,” Journal of Consumer Policy, 37(2014): pp. 437-452.
Castledine, Anita, Klaus Moeltner, Michael K. Price, and Shawn Stoddard, “Free to Choose: Promoting Conservation by Relaxing Outdoor Watering Restrictions,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 107(2014): pp. 324-343.
Ferraro, Paul J. and Michael K. Price, “Using Non-Pecuniary Strategies to Influence Behavior: Evidence from a Large-Scale Field Experiment,” Review of Economics and Statistics, 95 (2013): pp. 64-73.
Henderson, Daniel J., John A. List, Daniel L. Millimet, Christopher F. Parmeter, and Michael K. Price, “Empirical Implementation of Nonparametric First-Price Auction Models,” Journal of Econometrics, 168 (2012): pp. 17-28.
List, John A. and Michael K. Price, “Charitable Giving Around the Globe: Thoughts on How to Expand the Pie,” CESifo Economic Studies, 58 (2012): pp. 1-30.
Ferraro, Paul J., Juan Jose Miranda, and Michael K. Price, “The Persistence of Treatment Effects with Norm-Based Policy Instruments: Evidence from a Randomized Environmental Policy Experiment,” American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, 101 (2011): pp. 318-322.
Lange, Andreas, John A. List, and Michael K. Price, “Auctions with Resale when Private Values are Uncertain: Evidence from the Lab and Field,” International Journal of Industrial Organization, 29 (2011): pp. 54-64.
Landry, Craig E., Andreas Lange, John A. List, Michael K. Price, and Nicholas G. Rupp, “Is a Donor in Hand Better than Two in the Bush? Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment,” American Economic Review, 100 (2010): pp. 958-983.
List, John A. and Michael K. Price, “The Role of Social Connections in Charitable Fundraising: Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 69 (2009): pp. 160-169.
“Fund-Raising Success and a Solicitor’s Beauty Capital: Do Blondes Raise More Funds?”, Economics Letters, 100 (2008): pp. 351-354.
“Using the Spatial Distribution of Bidders to Detect Collusion in the Marketplace: Evidence from Timber Auctions,” Journal of Regional Science, 48 (2008): pp. 399-418.
Lange, Andreas, John A. List, and Michael K. Price, “A Fundraising Mechanism Inspired by Historical Tontines: Theory and Experimental Evidence,” Journal of Public Economics, 91 (2007): pp. 1750-1782.
Lange, Andreas, John A. List, and Michael K. Price, “Using Lotteries to Finance Public Goods: Theory and Experimental Evidence,” International Economic Review, 48 (2007): pp. 901-927.
Price, Michael K. and Craig E. Landry, “Earmarking Lottery Proceeds for Education: Empirical Evidence from U.S. Lotto Expenditures,” Economics Letters, 95 (2007): pp. 451-455.
Landry, Craig E., Andreas Lange, John A. List, Michael K. Price, and Nicholas G. Rupp, “Towards an Understanding of the Economics of Charity: Evidence from a Field Experiment,” Quarterly Journal of Economics, 121 (2006): pp. 747-782.
McConnell, Kenneth E. and Michael Price, “The Lay System in Commercial Fisheries: Origin and Implications,” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 51(2006): pp. 295-307.
Lange, Andreas, John A. List, Michael K. Price, and Shannon M. Price, “The Optimal Design of Charitable Lotteries: Theory and Experimental Evidence,” Research in Experimental Economics, Volume 11, (2006).
List, John A. and Michael K. Price, “Conspiracies and Secret Price Discounts in the Marketplace: Evidence from the Field,” RAND Journal of Economics, 36(2005): pp. 700-717.