Ronald Stauber



Research School of Economics

Associate Professor
Phone number
+61 2 612 57138
Room 2026, HW Arndt Bld (25A)
Research areas

Game Theory, Microeconomic Theory


Ronald Stauber received a MSc in Mathematics and a PhD in Economics from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His research focuses on games with incomplete information and dynamic games.

Research publications

"Delegation and ambiguity in correlated equilibrium," with S. Grant, Games and Economic Behavior, 132, 487-509, 2022

"A strategic product for belief functions," Games and Economic Behavior, 116, 38-64, 2019

"Irrationality and ambiguity in extensive games," Games and Economic Behavior, 102, 409-432, 2017

"Solving dynamic public insurance games with endogenous agent distributions: Theory and computational approximation," with T. Kam, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 64, 77-98, 2016

"Trembles in extensive games with ambiguity averse players," with G. Aryal, Economic Theory, 57(1), 1-40, 2014

"A note on Kuhn's Theorem with ambiguity averse players,"  with G. Aryal, Economics Letters, 125(1), 110-114, 2014

"A framework for robustness to ambiguity of higher-order beliefs," International Journal of Game Theory, 43(3), 525-550, 2014

"Knightian games and robustness to ambiguity," Journal of Economic Theory, 146(1), 248-274, 2011

"Evolution of preferences in an exchange economy," with J. Chang, Economics Letters, 103(3), 131-134, 2009


  • ECON4411--Microeconomic Theory (Sem 1)
  • ECON8011--Microeconomic Theory (Sem 1)
  • ECON7073--Microeconomic Analysis (Sem 1)

Previously taught

  • ECON8887--Advanced Research Essay
  • ECON2125--Optimisation for Economics and Financial Economics
  • ECON8025--Advanced Microeconomic Analysis
  • ECON3128/ECON8040--Resource and Environmental Economics
  • ECON2125/ECON8013--Mathematics for Economists A/Mathematical Techniques in Economics I
  • ECON2127/ECON8014--Mathematics for Economics B/Mathematical Techniques in Economics II
  • ECON2141/ECON2142/ECON8053--Strategic Thinking: An Introduction to Game Theory
  • ECON8021--Economics of Information and Uncertainty