RSE bespoke fellowship programs

rse bespoke

As part of the Research School of Economics (RSE) efforts to advance the careers of early to mid-career academics, in 2019 at least three scholars will spend up to eighteen months in top US Economics Departments. 

Due to personal circumstances, many academics are unable to frequently travel to conferences and academic workshops, this is especially the case for single parents.  The RSE has developed bespoke fellowship programs to help alleviate these disadvantages by providing opportunities for intensive one to two year fellowships in top schools.  The hope is that the fellows develop crucial networks and are exposed to the profession at large, in a way that could not have happened had they spent their whole career in Canberra.

This program was developed in consultation with the College of Business and Economics’ Gender Equity Committee and announced during an ESA Women in Economics Network Workshop in 2018.

RSE Faculty currently on Fellowship Programs

Elena Capatina – University of Pennsylvania

Sutanuka Roy – University of Chicago

Idione Meneghel - Yale