Professor Martine Mariotti


Research School of Economics

Phone number
+61 2 612 55117
Room 2025, HW Arndt Bld (25A)
Research areas

Economic history; Demography; Development economics.


Martine Mariotti is Professor of Economics specialising in Economic History. Her research interests are in economic history, demography and development economics. Martine is particularly interested in how the lives of southern Africans have changed over the last 150 years. She focuses on incomes, jobs, living standards and demographic outcomes and the factors that lead to changes in material outcomes. Martine’s research has appeared in a number of top-ranked economics journals including American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Economic History Review, and European Review of Economic History.

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Research publications

Selected Publications

Labor Migration, Capital Accumulation, and the Structure of Rural Labor Markets. The Review of Economics and Statistics 2024; doi: (with T. Dinkelman and G. Kumchulesi)

The long-run effects of labor migration on human capital formation in communities of origin', American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 1-35. 2016. (with T. Dinkelman)

Labour Markets During Apartheid. Economic History Review, 65(3): 1100-1122, 2012

Partial Identification and Bound Estimation of the Average Treatment Effect of Education on Earnings for South Africa, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 77:210-233, 2015 (with J. Meinecke)

Father’s Employment and Sons’ Stature: The long run effects of a positive regional employment shock in South Africa’s mining industry, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 63(3):485-514, 2015.

The shaping of a settler fertility transition: eighteenth- and nineteenth-century South African demographic history reconsidered, European Review of Economic History, Volume 23, Issue 4, November 2019, Pages 421–445, (with J. Cilliers)

Stop! Go! What Can We Learn About Family Planning From Birth Timing in Settler South Africa, 1835-1950? Demography. 2021 Jun 1;58(3):901-925. doi: 10.1215/00703370-9164749. (with J. Cilliers)

Research engagement and outreach

Associate Editor Asia-Pacific Economic History Review


Current Teaching:

ECON2900/4409/8901 Development, Poverty and Famine

ECHI3009/6009 World Economic Since 1800

Other Teaching:

ECHI1006 Australian Economy: Past and Present

ECON8069 Business Economics

EMET3006/4301/8001 Applied Microeconometrics