Associate Professor Idione Meneghel

Idione Meneghel


Research School of Economics

Associate Professor
Phone number
+61 2 612 52216
Room 2007, HW Arndt Bld (25A)
Research areas

Microeconomic theory; Game theory; Decision theory; Mathematical economics.


Idione Meneghel is an Associate Professor of Economics, whose research interests include game theory, decision theory, auction theory, and the theory of mechanism design. Idione’s research focuses on the existence of equilibrium in games with imperfect information and games with payoffs that lack the usual continuity properties, such as auctions. She has also contributed to the theory of learning and belief formation in an environment in which little information is available to the economic agent and surprises are frequent. Her portfolio of research includes a contribution to the fixed point theory of decomposable sets in non-linear analysis. Idione’s research has appeared in top peer-reviewed journals including Journal of Economic TheoryTheoretical Economics, and Econometrica. Idione has held a Visiting position at the Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics at Yale University and serves on the board of editors for the Journal of Mathematical Economics.

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Personal Website

Research publications

Grant, S., Meneghel, I., and Tourky, R. (2020). “Leaning under unawareness”. R&R in Economic Theory.

Grant, S., Kline, J., Meneghel, I., Quiggin, J., and Tourky, R. (2016). “A theory of robust experiments for choice under uncertainty.” Journal of Economic Theory, 165, pp. 124-151.

Grant, S., Meneghel, I., and Tourky, R. (2016). “Savage games.” Theoretical Economics, 1 (2), pp. 641-682.

Barelli, P. and Meneghel, I. (2013). “A note on the equilibrium existence problem in discontinuous games.” Econometrica, 81 (2), pp. 813-824.

Research grants and awards

(2017) Senior Fellowship, Higher Education Academy

(2012) The School of Economics Distinguished Teaching Awards for Small Postgraduate class, The University of Queensland

(2012) UQ New Staff Research Start-Up Fund award, The University of Queensland

(2008) Conibear Memorial Prize (best third-year paper), University of Rochester

(2006–2011) Graduate fellowship, University of Rochester

Research engagement and outreach

Associate editor, Journal of Mathematical Economics (2017–)

Previous Roles:

Visiting position at the Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics at Yale University


Current Teaching:

ECON6011/8011: Microeconomic Theory

ECON3180/4480/8080: Advanced Behavioral Economics


Previous Teaching:

ECON3100: Microeconomic Theory Economics III (Honours)

EMET7001: Mathematical Techniques for Economic Analysis

EMET1001: Foundations of Economic and Financial Models